One Handed Clarinet

How can we improve the fabrication process and solve supply chain issues to make a one handed clarinet more accessible?
Last updated
May 19, 2020


This team is focussing on a fabrication/supply chain challenge. Their aim is to improve production times and process moving away from handcrafted, made to order model that currently exists. Could the production principles be applied to other instruments e.g. saxophone, can it be adapted to both Left hand alone; Right hand alone, and how can we meet unmet demand?


•What alternative processes can be used to enable small to mid-scale production?

•What alternative materials can be used to enable new production processes?

•Can any standard clarinet components be utilised (e.g. body)?

•How do we enable parity of sound quality?


•Proposed alternative production process.

•Suggestion and analysis of alternative materials and the impact on sound quality.

•Road-map of supply chain.


Hannah Williams
Export Sales & Operations Coordinator
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Sophie Hyman
Prop/Model Maker
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Showcase Video: One Handed Clarinet Team

The team presents at the IAMM Accessible Instrument Showcase

Forming the kernel of our team and defining projects

The One Handed Clarinet team has met and defined our goals and ambitions.