Trombone Stand

How can we standardise the production of a bespoke moulded Trombone stand to enable mass production?
Last updated
May 19, 2020


OHMI had a winning trombone stand in their competition last year made by a Swiss maker. The issue is that the shell is moulded around the player and this is currently  only possible via multiple trips to Switzerland. 

This team will attempt to develop solutions to enable production to be standardised and reduce the need for bespoke creation of the shell.


• How can the bespoke item be transformed into a standardised or mass-produced kit?

• Can the item be developed into a kit to either be developed at home, or by an orthotist?

• Can the design be applied to other instruments such as the flute and clarinet where stands are not entirely satisfactory?

• How do we move beyond a kit of parts to an attractive consumer package


• Suggestion of standardisation process

• Suggestion of materials and production process

• Exploration of possibility of home kit

• Suggestion of other applications



Showcase Video: Trombone Stand Team

The team presents at the IAMM Accessible Instrument Showcase.