This team will explore the use of immersive technology to remove the limitations that people with disabilities face with traditional instruments, and aim to make playing and learning music more accessible and inclusive.
The instrument could be any instrument. For example, a musician like Tom Doughty with a spinal injury faces even greater challenges travelling the world to play with his stateside bandmates.
How can musicians like Tom play in a virtual collaborative space?
What does this mean for audience participation? Do they get involved visually or instrumentally?
Does this mean a new wave of instrumental mediums?
• How can VR enable the future of musical collaboration?
• What games engines are required?
• What experience do the musicians require to enable authenticity?
• Design brief/storyboard of the Virtual experience.
• Proof of concept based on a ‘what if’ brief.
• Exploration of other experiences enabled by the technology (audience, teacher/pupil etc).