One Handed Recorder

How can we improve upon the design and production processes of the existing 3D printed one handed recorder?
Last updated
May 19, 2020


This team will work on a design and production challenge based on the 3D printed version of the one-handed recorder that has already been produced by OHMI, and successfully trialled in a pilot in schools in Nottingham.


• Is this the best design and process for small scale production, or can it be improved?

• Does the current design make use of the best material?

• Can the assembly process be improved upon?

• How do we enable parity of sound quality?


• Proposed alternative production process.

• Suggestion and analysis of alternative materials and the impact on sound quality.

• Road-map of supply chain.


Simone Reid
Recorder Performer and Teacher
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Grace Barton
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Michael Piraner
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Luis Zayas
PhD student
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Showcase Video: One Handed Recorder

The team present at the IAMM Accessible Instrument Showcase

Fresh eyes = Fresh ideas!

About half the team are new to the instrument but not new to either recorder playing or 3D printing so their fresh perspective has allowed us to identify a few improvements to the current design.

3D printers needed!

The One Handed Recorder Team need people with 3D printing experience to work on solutions for testing!